Site Location and History

Lubambe Copper Mine Ltd (LCM), formerly Konkola North is located near the township of Konkola in Chililabombwe, approximately 468 km by road from Zambia’s capital city, Lusaka.

History and ownership

Following discovery of ore deposit in the 1920’s, initial mining commenced in the early 1950’s for 2 years before operations ceased. A number of exploration campaigns were undertaken on the area before African Rainbow Minerals (ARM) with Vale as a Partner acquired the mining licence in 1997. Following further exploration work and feasibility studies, construction commenced in 2010 with first concentrate sales in October 2012.


  • 1920’s - Discovery of Lubambe, formerly known as Konkola North
  • 1950’s - Shaft 2 was completed and initial mine work started but subsequently ceased 2 years later
  • 1997 - Africa Rainbow Minerals (ARM) acquired the mining license with Vale as a partner, a number of exploration campaigns had been undertaken before this in the area
  • 2010 - Post exploration work and feasibility studies, construction commenced
  • 2012 - First concentrate sales
  • 2017 - ARM and Vale sold 80% shares in Lubambe Copper Mine Limited
  • 2017 - EMR acquire 80% shares in Lubambe (20% share held by ZCCM - IH)
  • 2024 - EMR sold 80% shares in Lubambe Copper Mine Limited
  • 2024- JCHX acquire 80% shares in Lubambe (20% share held by ZCCM-IH)