
Working at Lubambe

At Lubambe, we work and act truthfully


At Lubambe, safety is our number one priority. We embrace diversity, we work and act truthfully. This is imbedded in our company’s values. We pride ourselves in a great safety record and ensure that our employees are well equipped with information on how to carry out their work safely and efficiently. We realise that this can only be achieved through accountability firstly at individual level and then at company level. Therefore, an employee working at Lubambe must be responsible not only for their own safety, but also for the safety of other co-workers.



Lubambe Copper Mine is an equal opportunity employer that supports diversity in all its forms. We see diversity not as a challenge, but rather an opportunity to achieve innovation, adaptability, increased productivity and broaden our market. 


Corruption & Bribery

Honesty is an important part of our values and work culture. We ensure to work and act truthfully. Bribery and Corruption have a significant adverse effect on the social and economic development of the communities in which an organisation operates. This can undermine economies and basic human rights and damage our reputation with stakeholders. Bribery and Corruption can also be associated with organised crime and dealing with the proceeds of Bribery and Corruption involves money laundering offences.

Lubambe Copper Mine Limited (LCML) is committed to conducting business in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and highest ethical standards and adopts a ZERO TOLERANCE approach to Bribery and Corruption.

Key Procedures

To achieve a systematic approach to conducting our business, Lubambe Copper Mine (LCM) has a number of key procedures which are embedded in its enterprise risk management framework, that help execute the day to day activities of the Mine. The following are the list of key policies that are available

  • Anti-Money Laundering (AML)
  • Anti-Bribery & Corruption (ABC) Policies
  • Conflicts of Interest Policy (COI)
Tip Off Line

We have an independent Tip Off line managed by Deloitte Touché.  Please report any suspected acts or acts of corruption to: